Foto: Lauge Eilsøe-Madsen
Workshop: Students as Drivers of Education for Sustainable Transformation
Room D170, Danish School of Education (DPU), Tuborgvej 164, 2400 Copenhagen NV, Denmark
20. feb 2025, KL. 09.00
Come and make a difference!
This is an invitation for students in Denmark who want their university education to equip them to bring about a green and just transition to a sustainable world. The workshop is for students to develop ideas about education for sustainability, convert them into actual projects and learn the practical skills to turn projects into reality.
The workshop is run by a student-led initiative called the Sustainability Office from Humbold University, Berlin. They have vast experience in organising projects and making a difference to their university and their city. They are also experienced in running these workshops using peer-to-peer learning.
The workshop builds on the momentum of a previous event, Student Activism for Education for Sustainability, held on 9th December, which generated inspiring ideas for change. This workshop starts with methods for envisioning alternatives and develops ideas into actionable projects so that students can become active drivers of education for sustainability within their institutions.
The workshop is a ‘real’ event that requires commitment over two full days, although you can join one introductory session for an hour on 20 February online. The plenary sessions are in English. There are approximately 15 places, and we are hoping to have participants from each Danish University or Arts College. We prioritise students who want to carry though a change project and also those interested in drawing on this workshop’s methods to hold workshops for students on educational activism in their university.
The workshop is organised by Danske Studerendes Fællesråd (DSF) and the Centre for Higher Education Futures (CHEF at DPU) under the auspices of the national mobilisation, Uddannelse for Bæredygtig Udvikling (UBU).
Day 1: 20 February 2025
Getting to know each other
Introductory games with a focus on exchanging ideas about sustainability
Presentation by Humboldt University students on their Sustainability Office
- Why sustainability is important (briefly)
- What is the Sustainability Office – inspiring examples of projects
- Components of education for sustainability
- Subject and methodological competence
- Social and Personal Competences
- Wirkmachtigkeit
Imagining a future university - Guided Visualization/Dream journey
Depicting your dream journey (continue over lunch)
From vision to project idea
Sharing imaginings, and forming groups around selected topics
Presentation of project ideas
Student-organised city tour of Copenhagen on the Topic of "Sustainability in the City" ending with a meal together.
Day 2: 21 February 2025
Developing a project brief
Method Circle Training
- How to pitch and canvas a project
- How to develop an Influence-Interest Matrix
- Timeline and methods for keeping track of the project’s progress and keeping the group working well together
Feedback and forwards
- Present project posters
- Receive feedback, critique and encouragement form each other, from HU students
- Support to help you realise your projects
- Role of supportive university contacts (Sue’s students meet for lunch Thursdays)
- Student groups present their projects at start of the UBU seminar for ‘lecturers’ in April 2025
- Opportunity to present your projects at HU’s Climate Day on 5 June 2025 in Berlin (Circle U event).